ContactUS Parallax
Offices & Agents Worldwide
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Get in touch with us

Toronto - 905-362-0249
Montreal - 514-282-1270
Vancouver - 604-884-0656
Cambridge - 519-756-6463

Toronto, Ontario | 2 - 6275 Northham Dr., Unit 2, Mississauga, ON L4V 1Y8 Tel: 905-362-0249

Montreal, Quebec | 1085 rue Saint-Alexandre, Suite 110, Montreal, QC H2Z 1P4 Tel: 514-282-1270

Vancouver, British Columbia | 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond, BC V7B 1A3 Tel: 604-884-0656

Cambridge, Ontario | 201 - 150 Water St. South, Cambridge, ON N1R 3E2 Tel: 519-756-6463

About MLines

New logo, new website with same reliable service.

We are 100% Canadian owned and operated logistics company with offices in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Cambridge.

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